Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol (BAS) is the platform for anyone who wants to know more about air traffic at and around the airport. They provide visitors with relevant information on all kinds of subjects: from current runway use to (un)planned maintenance, and from flight routes to laws and regulations. They also register nuisance reports from local residents.
Interactive map with realtime flights departing or arriving at Schiphol Airport; Weather and runway use information.
Orange Tribes developed the new website using WordPress and Divi. The interactive map has been built using Vue.JS for the front-end and Google Cloud platform on the back-end.
Visit the website
Custom developed WordPress website. Using Vue.JS for front-end.
Implementations for: SSO, SCIM (IAM).
WordPress driven website custom theme. Using Vue.JS, Leaflet on the front-end.
Orange Tribes developed this user friendly website using WordPress and Divi.
WordPress websites for two Schiphol related initiatives
Orange Tribes created web and app experiences for fitness company Trojan Workout
The mobile experience for the Amsterdam Music Festival powered by Sleeve Music.
We created the mobile app for Food Festival Amsterdam with food, drinks & music.
An online museum of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and the Amsterdam Museum.
We created the Web Summit Apps in 2013 and 2014 for Android , iOS and Windows Phone for what is now the biggest tech convention in Europe.
We created the cross-device experience for Windows apps for Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf.
A simple smartwatch app for Dutch news source Metro Nieuws. Bringing the most popular articles of the day to your wrist and phone.
The connection between music and the moment. At the beach, in the car, on the way home from work, on an afternoon or at night.
Orange Tribes
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 13
Tower 2 - 7th floor
1062 HA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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We'd love to hear from you.
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