
Below you can view some of our own projects which were created over the years by the Tribes team.



Bonobo – Collaborative playlist with chat and automated recommendations


Bringing music playlist creation to the next level. Collaborate with friends or strangers on music playlists, and add programmable bots (IFTTT for music) that will help you find new music and manage your playlists. Man and machine working together to create the perfect playlist.


Catergo – Easily find a caterer company for your next event


CaterGo is an concept/idea of Feiko Boerstra (Founder). He asked Tribes to participate and we did, next to creating the full product. Catergo enables you to easily find suitable caterer companies that match your preferences for any event.


Recipeeks: The place where you can collect, create and share the recipes that you love


Recipeeks was created from a shared passion for food. Recipeeks is designed to be the place where you can collect, create and share the recipes that you love from all over the web.


Mergul – A place for divers to find the best diving spots


Divers site in development.

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  • Visual Quality Plan Schiphol

    Custom developed WordPress website. Using Vue.JS for front-end.
    Implementations for: SSO, SCIM (IAM).

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    Visual Quality Plan Schiphol
  • Minder hinder Schiphol

    WordPress driven website custom theme. Using Vue.JS, Leaflet on the front-end.

    Read this use case
    Minder hinder Schiphol
  • Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol

    Website developed using WordPress and Divi.

    View this case
    Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol
  • Meldpunt Lelystad Airport

    Orange Tribes developed this user friendly website using WordPress and Divi.

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    Meldpunt Lelystad Airport
  • Pharma Gateway & Holland Flower Alliance

    WordPress websites for two Schiphol related initiatives

    Read this use case
    Pharma Gateway & Holland Flower Alliance
  • Trojan Workout

    Orange Tribes created web and app experiences for fitness company Trojan Workout

    Read this use-case
    Trojan Workout
  • Integral Safety Schiphol

    A visual way of showing the Safety updates at Schiphol

    Read this use case
    Integral Safety Schiphol
  • Amsterdam Music Festival

    The mobile experience for the Amsterdam Music Festival powered by Sleeve Music.

    Read this use-case
    Amsterdam Music Festival
  • Food Festival Amsterdam

    We created the mobile app for Food Festival Amsterdam with food, drinks & music.

    Read this use-case
    Food Festival Amsterdam
  • Schiphol 100 Jaar

    An online museum of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and the Amsterdam Museum.

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    Schiphol 100 Jaar
  • Web Summit

    We created the Web Summit Apps in 2013 and 2014 for Android , iOS and Windows Phone for what is now the biggest tech convention in Europe.

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    Web Summit
  • Telegraaf Apps

    We created the cross-device experience for Windows apps for Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf.

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    Telegraaf Apps
  • Metro Nieuws

    A simple smartwatch app for Dutch news source Metro Nieuws. Bringing the most popular articles of the day to your wrist and phone.

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    Metro Nieuws
  • Sleeve Music

    The connection between music and the moment. At the beach, in the car, on the way home from work, on an afternoon or at night.

    Read the use case
    Sleeve Music